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Looking Back on our TechTalkThursday #10

Thomas Hug
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Thomas Hug
June 9, 2020
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Our TechTalkThursday took place on the 4th of June at 18:00. As Corona is not yet over and since we have already had good experiences with online events like Google Cloud Meetup, we took it in an optimistic way! 35 people (peak) found their way to the Google Meet conference!

Thomas Hug, CEO of nine introduces the two speakers Pablo Vergés of Coders Only and Oliver Graf of Nutanix.

Gitception: Learning Git by putting Git in Git by Pablo Vergés (Coders Only) 

Gitception is the idea of putting your Git repository in a Git repository to see what Git does when Git is used. It is a different approach to learn Git. Git is not a tool that just works. Most users memorized a list of commands to sync up but don’t know what happens. It may throw errors at some point or you might get lost with branches. Therefore it certainly helps to understand how it works and that, for example branches are no magic, delete a branch is not dangerous and why creating branches is so fast. To see the internals of Git helps you learn the concepts behind and can create aha-moments because if you are in a situation that doesn’t follow the happy path you would have expected, you will be able to understand what is happening and why.


Deep dive to the core of the Nutanix distributed Filesystem by Oliver Graf (Nutanix)

Oliver started his talk by explaining what a Hyper Converged Platform is about. The main advantage to a traditional system is that storage is directly attached to the compute nodes and not only connected through the network. Every compute node hosts a controller VM besides user VMs. This controller VM takes care of the storage I/O. Multiple nodes form a cluster and this cluster offers a distributed file system (NDFS) to its user VMs. This system has no single point of failure, there is no bottleneck at any scale (scales out linearly) and it leverages concurrency. The storage itself can consist of a mix of HD and SD Disks, where 3:1 is a typical ratio. Storage is kept as close to the compute node as possible and uses the optimal place for blocks regarding faster and slower storage (intelligent tiering). The system also handles automatic disk balancing.

Alexander Bürgin of we dot won the lottery in which there was a scooter to win. Congratulations!

Next Event

The social part in video conferences is always a surprise. Fortunately, a few people stayed, and we had a chat about interesting topics for future events. The conclusion was, the closer to real usage, the better. Therefore our next Meetup will treat monitoring as a topic where Demian Thoma of Nine Internet Solutions AG will tell us about “How a Titan empowered our Cloud Monitoring Infrastructure”. Grab your sandwich and join the online presentation during your lunchtime! Such events are also known as Brownbag.

The next TechTalkThursday will be virtual and is a special one as it takes place during lunch on the 2nd of July on Google Meet (

On this occasion, we would like to once again thank our speakers for presenting!