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Advantages at a Glance

Full text search

Various search functions, such as searching for individual fields or in several indices

Sort search results

Display by score, sort by fields or summarise search results

Protocol analysis

Easily identify problems for any application protocols

Search and analytic functionalities

K-nearest neighbours (KNN) search, SQL, anomaly detection, Machine Learning Commons, trace analytics, fulltext search, and more

Highly scalable

Quickly access and process large amounts of data

Value for money

Starting at CHF 60.– per month, OpenSearch is particularly helpful for your data analysis and in connection with dynamic websites


About the Product

OpenSearch is suitable for use cases such as protocol analysis, application search, business search, and more.

More about OpenSearch
Quick and Easy Search Results
The search function is easily integrated into websites via an API. The search machine delivers search results that are separated into pages instead of a single, long list. It also suggests and checks spelling of phrases.
Data Analysis
Your data can easily be collected, searched, summarised, displayed and analysed.
Case Studies

Use Cases for Managed OpenSearch

Valencia Kommunikation

We have been instrumental in helping cab to implement an outstanding hosting solution that offers its customers the highest quality and reliability. The long-standing collaboration has always been characterized by professionalism and efficiency.

Valencia Kommunikation

Stadler Form

We helped Stadler Form to find the right technical solution. At the same time, there were some hurdles in migrating their solution from the old hosting partner to us. Our support team assisted Stadler Form and their web agency quickly and competently at all times. Even when a solution was a little more complex, Stadler Form always felt very well looked after.

Stadler Form

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