Managed Virtual Server – server management and unbeatable performance

With their Managed Virtual Servers, HUG AG benefits from an all-round carefree package including server management, 24/7 service, backup solution and a location in Switzerland.

October 2021

The Challenge

HUG AG uses a blend of external and internal infrastructure for its hosting. It first came to Nine through its cooperation with a Zurich-based marketing and communications agency. The company’s requirements were clear from the start and have not changed to this day: their server must be highly available, while server management is taken on by the provider. In addition, the cost should remain reasonable, while operation should be plannable. Nine’s Managed Virtual Server can meet all of these criteria without issue.

The Solution

With Nine’s Managed Virtual Servers, customers can fully concentrate on their services and respond flexibly to new challenges. The server management, fully conducted by nine, includes 24/7 server monitoring and maintenance. In addition, the servers are checked regularly and current updates and patches are installed.

The Result

Backups are created daily by nine and can easily be restored at the customer’s request. Thanks to virtualisation, customers can take advantage of unlimited scalability and flexibility. At the customer’s request, servers can be scaled up or down at short notice and with little effort to meet ad-hoc performance requirements – for example, a large number of visitors on your website. Our invoices detail exactly what costs were incurred on which day, meaning our customers benefit from a transparent pricing structure – no matter how many times upgrades or downgrades took place.

«It’s a good sign that I need to look up nine’s phone number when I have a question – as long as I don’t know the number off by heart, that means I don’t have any problems with my product. It just works, and that’s exactly what you want from your provider.»

Stefan Burri
Head of Informatics Operations
Further information


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HUG Case Study
