
The path to GCP: From on-site Kubernetes to GKE

Aside from managed services on the platform, Nine provided expertise through workshops, consulting, and services based on GKE.

November, 2021

The Challenge

gyselroth faced the task of finding a partner specialised in Kubernetes who could advise them on running their on-site Kubernetes solution, with the aim of stabilising and migrating it to a cloud platform in the future. The end goal was to find a partner and a platform that took the operational burden of cluster management off gyselroth’s shoulders.

The Solution

Nine supported gyselroth’s mission to stabilise their current platform, provided workshops to help gyselroth on their journey to the cloud, and took the lead in migrating them to Google Kubernetes Engine. The transition to GKE was made smoother by Nine’s out of the box monitoring and deployment solutions for Kubernetes.

The Result

Nine assisted gyselroth in stabilising their current Kubernetes platform and migrating it to GKE, meaning that platform maintenance no longer fell to gyselroth. By increasing the reliability of their applications and their understanding of Kubernetes, the company could focus on their application development and deployment instead.

«The transition to GKE was made smoother by Nine’s out of the box monitoring and deployment solutions for Kubernetes.»

Ciro Larrazabal
Senior Software Engineer