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Looking Back on our TechTalkThursday #13

Thomas Hug
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Thomas Hug
October 23, 2020
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Our TechTalkThursday took place on the 1st of October at 18:00. We had with only 15 participants onsite around 1/3 of a Pre-Corona Meetup and it was the first time we streamed live on YouTube (original link, uncut). We had a peak of 18 simultaneous participants watching our stream. Room to improve! Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to get notifications for new videos and live streams of our events!

Thomas Hug, the founder of nine introduces the two speakers Eric Funk of Nine Internet Solutions AG and Tobias Brunner of VSHN AG.

Develop like a Linux pro on Windows

Microsoft has always been attractive for a massive community of software developers. Whilst focusing on the Windows platform in the beginning and very little engagement in open source and Linux, things have changed quite significantly in the last years. In our nine TechTalk Eric explains the reasons behind the move towards great Linux support and the engagement of Microsoft to build great Development tools and how to run and use Docker, Kubernetes, databases and Visual Studio Code to allow you to be a productive software developer on Windows 10. 


Install WSL 2
User Docker with WSL
Use WSL 2 With VS Code

How Project Syn helps to manage a fleet of Kubernetes Clusters

Have you ever had to manage more than a handful of Kubernetes clusters? We at VSHN do this all day and we learned the hard way what this actually means. With our Open Source toolkit called Project Syn we want to help others facing the same challenges. 

Project Syn brings a hierarchical configuration management system based on GitOps principles, reusable components, and an inventory with all information about the managed Kubernetes clusters. It does not aim to reinvent the wheel and reuses already existing tooling as much as possible, like Argo CD or Kapitan, and glues them together. 

Project Syn was born out of our daily work, and as such it is ready out to solve real-world needs. It’s still a young project and we’re working hard to make it production ready. Interested? Just head over to and get all the information you need.


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